top 5 best Insurance app for android mobile

There are many business and other applications that fits the needs of people working in the insurance field and other fields, helping in different area and states of the daily work and allowing to be always reachable while offering a personalized service.

Top 5 apps for insurance and why they can help them.

1. Wunderlist App-

A simple and graphically elegant application that collects all your to-dos and reminds you to carry them out. You can group all tasks in folders or projects, divide them into sub-simplest task and assign it to teammates. The satisfaction to get through the day with all the completed to-do has no price!

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2Evernote App-

what did you say last time you talked on the mobile with person? Ever note comes to your aid, offering a simple cross-platform interface where you write, catalog and share notes and files. Create a note for each client and update it after every phone call, sharing it with your colleagues; in turn and off, they will be able to add their own information.

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3. Slack App-
Slack is the best app to communicate and collaborate with your team.If you are the agency leader, Slack become your central command to communicate in real time with your team, saving time and gaining in efficiency.

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How to make a good first impression with potential customers you meet? Charlie is a simple but very app that analyzes your calendar to find your future and past event, such as meetings or customers presentations, and it suggests you in advance key information on the people who will participate with you.

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5. Colibri App-

How to find new and latest leads to sell insurance policies in order to reach the monthly and early results? Colibrì is the good way to solve the any problem: find conversations about your products, brand, competitors or industry on the web, Linkedin, Quora and more.

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